L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

General Editors


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

Trigger Position (%): Enter here the percentage of the measured values for the trace
variable to be recorded after the trigger event has occurred. So you can define, which
percentage of the measured values of the trace variable should be recorded before and
which after the trigger event. Example: If you enter "25", then in the trace curve 75 %
of the measured values will be displayed before the triggering event and 25% after
that. If you want to start the tracing exactly with the trigger event, enter 100%.
Trigger Level: If an analogue variable is used as trigger variable, define here the value
of this variable at which the trigger event will be caused. Enter a value directly or a
variable defining the value (also ENUM constants are allowed). Default: empty.
Task: From the list of available tasks select that one after the execution of which the
trace variable should be read. Default: The first task in the Task Configuration tree.
Measure in every x-th cycle: Define the number of cycles which should be left out
before the variable should be read again. By (Buffer Size * Measure in every x-th cycle *
Task interval) the minimum guarded time span can be estimated.
Record condition: A boolean variable, a value or a boolean expression can be entered
here. As soon as this condition gets TRUE, the trace sampling will be started. If nothing
is entered here, the trace recording will start as soon as the Trace Configuration has
been downloaded and the application is running.
Buffer size: Size of the buffer in Bytes which is allocated in the runtime system for the
trace variables values of the current record. The content of this buffer will be displayed
during trace monitoring. Default: 100.
Comment: A comment text might be entered here concerning the current record.
Generate Trace POU for visualization: Activating the associated checkbox induces the
implicit build of the component __VISU. Use this option, if
you want to integrate the trace readout within a visualization.
Appearance: This button opens the Edit Appearance dialog, where you can set up the
display of the trace window for the currently configured record (axes, colors and scroll

Note: If you want to display the trace curve of a trace variable in a different
appearances at a time, you must assign this variable to a further trace object having
different appearances.