Sfc - sequential function chart, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
General Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Comparison to the »PLC Designer« V2.3 SFC Editor:
• Basically the same functionality is available, »PLC Designer« V2.3 SFC projects can
be imported.
• Editing is made more comfortable by the fact that each particular element can be
selected and arranged individually. During editing the syntax of the SFC not
necessarily must be matched. Syntax errors will not be checked until a precompile
run (build).
• There is only one step type, combining the two types "IEC steps" and "3S-steps",
which are used in V2.3. Actions always must be provided as POUs. The actions
always are assigned via the step element properties.
• Macros can be used for structuring purposes.
SFC - Sequential Function Chart
The Sequential Function Chart (SFC) is a graphically oriented language which allows to
describe the chronological order of particular actions within a program. These actions
are available as separate programming objects, written in any available programming
language. In a SFC they get assigned to "step" elements and the sequence of
processing is controlled by transition elements.
Abb. 400 Example for a sequence of steps in a SFC module
Note: In contrast to »PLC Designer« V2.3 there is only one type of steps combining
the functionality of IEC-steps and "3S steps" as used in »PLC Designer« V2.3