L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

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DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

Activate one of the following options:
Entire project: All editable places within all project objects will be noticed.
Within the following objects: Only the editable places within those objects will be

noticed which are defined by the following settings:
Object types: Put a check to all object types which should be searched for.
Name filter: Optionally set a filter on certain objects names by using

placeholders "*". Example: Enter "*CAN* to explicitly search for the specified
search string in all objects including "CAN" in the object name.

Scheme: Optionally save the currently defined search configuration. Make sure

to have set the desired Object types and optionally a Name filter. Then press
button Save as... and in dialog Save Scheme define a name for the current
configuration. All saved schemes will be available later in the selection list via
button . They can be removed from there via button Remove.

Abb. 122 Dialog Save Scheme

All open editors: All editors currently opened in a window will be searched.
Active editor: Just the editor where currently the cursor is placed, will be searched.
Selection only: Only the currently selected text will be searched for the specified

search string.

After having set all find and search options press button...
... Find Next to step through the found locations of the searched string step by step.
The respective editor windows will be opened and the found string will be highlighted.
... Find All to get a list of the found locations in the Message window. The progress of
the search process is displayed within the status line; the search may be interrupted by
making use of the button Cancel in the status line. The search being completed the
following information is displayed for each location:
Description: Expression containing the search string.
Project: Project name.
Object: Object name.
Position: Position (for example Line number) within the object, in brackets "Decl" for
Declaration part resp. "Impl" for Implementation part of the editor window.