L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
Page 1116

L-force | PLC Designer
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
author name 388
auto clear mode 1028
auto declare 535, 1080
auto hide a view 628
auto hide a view window 628
auto restart slaves 997
auto save backup 358
auto save backup dialog 473
autoconfig master/slaves 997
autoconfig PDO mapping 979, 980, 984
autoconnect in CFC 492
autodeclaration dialog 1080
autodeclare 485
autodeclare option 476
autoformat 485
autoinc address 1001
autoincremental address 1001
automatic mapping 979
automatic startup 1028
automatically generate POUs for property access 388
automatically list selection in cross reference view 485
automatically log out after time of inactivity 394
automatically save 473
autosave file 473
available devices 301
available elements 415
average cycle time 864
axis control
example 1058
Axis Error Messages SoftMotion 57
axis motion control
example 1053, 1055
B 1220
background 593
background color for text items 486
background image 112
background image of visualization 605
backup file 366, 473
bar display 214
bar display configuration 214
batch mode
project 355, 358, 365, 367, 375
baud rate 1028
Baudrate for CANbus 972
behaviour for outputs in stop 954
best fit in online mode 936
binary 469
bind new objects to source control 508
all objects 549
binding 549
binding 605
binding of an object 605
bit access 748, 1216
bit address operator 1181, 1207
bit operation 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1172,
1173, 1209
BITADR 1181, 1207
associate to object 605
transparent 605
bitmap 891
bitmap for box in FBD/LD/IL 494
bitmap for visualization 593
bitmap for visualization background 593
bitmap id variable 891
bitmap ID variable 112
bitmap ID variable for visualization elements 891
bitmap ID variables for visualization elements 891
bitmap info of visualization elements 891
bitmap pool 408
bitmap properties 605
bitmapinfo 891
bitmaps in visualization 408
bits in variables 1216