Appearance, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
General Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Autoscale: If this option is activated, then the trace graph is visualized form the
minimum Y-value to the maximum Y-value automatically.
If the option is not activated, then the range, which is displayed in the trace window,
can be defined by the following settings:
If option Autoscroll is not activated:
Minimum, Maximum: The Y-values entered here define exactly the displaying range of
the trace. This means, that the range of the Y-values starts with the Minimum value
and ends with the Maximum value. If another range should be displayed, you have to
scroll manually.
If option Autoscroll is activated (only possible, if option 'Autoscale' is not activated):
Length: The value given here will define the length of the displaying range, whereby
the axis will be scrolled in a way that automatically the highest Y-values will be visible.
Major tick dist.: Value intervals indicated on the axis by long ticks. If Grid is activated
they will be elongated by dotted lines. The entry must match the value type
represented by the axis and must follow the IEC syntax; for example a time value for
the x-axis: for example "T#2s" for 2 seconds.
Minor tick dist.: Value intervals indicated on the axis by short ticks (not elongated by a
vertical dotted line in case Grid is active). Valid entries see 'Major tick dist.".
Grid: If this option is activated a grid will be displayed. The major ticks will be
elongated by dotted lines for this purpose. The color of the grid lines can be chosen
from the color selection list.
Description: If this option is activated, the text entered in the edit field will be
displayed at the upper end of the y-axis. For the x-axis no description will be displayed.
You find this command in the context menu of the trace tree in the right part of the
main window of the Trace-Editor. It opens the Edit Appearance dialog in the Trace
Editor. The dialog is available, when the name of the trace on top level of the trace tree
is selected. If a variable in the trace tree is selected, the Appearance of the Y-axis dialog
The dialog is also available, when you are in the Configuration dialog of the trace.
In both dialogs you define how the trace data will be displayed in the trace diagram.
That is you define the looking of the coordinate system (axes configuration, colors, grid
etc.) in which the values' graphs of the variables will be displayed. The appearance
settings of the record (Edit Appearance dialog) are used in the default single channel
mode, but the appearance settings of the variables (Appearance of the Y-axis dialog)
are visible in the multi channel mode.