L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

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DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29


Settings: Protocol-specific settings; the permissible entries depend on the
corresponding network library.

Abb. 296 Network Settings dialog

For "UDP" networks the following Parameters are to be defined:
Port: Number of the port to be used for data exchange with the other network
participants; the Default value is "1202"; the current value always can be modified in
the Value field (select the field an press to open the edit frame); Make sure
that the other nodes in the network define the same port! If you have more than one
UDP connection defined in the project then the port number will be automatically
modified in all configuration sets according to the input you make here.
Broadcast address: The Default value is "255 . 255 . 255 . 255", which means, that the
data exchange will be done with all participants in the network. The current value
always can be modified in the Value field (select the field an press to open the
edit frame) where you can enter the address resp. the address range of a sub-network
(for example enter "197 . 200 . 100 . 255", if you want to communicate with all nodes
which have IP-addresses "197 . 200 . 100 . x").
Notice for Win32 systems, that the Broadcast addresses must match the subnet mask
of the TCP/IP configuration of the PC !

The following options can be activated or deactivated for configuring the transmission
behavior of the variables:
Pack variables: For the transfer the variables are bundled in packets (telegrams) whose
size depends on the network. If the option is deactivated, one packet per variable will
be set up.
Transmit checksum: A checksum will be added to each packet of variables. The
checksum will be checked by the receiver to make sure that the variable definitions of
the sender and the receiver are identical. A packet with a non-matching checksum will
not be accepted.
Cyclic transmission: Variables are sent within the Interval specified after Interval. (time
notation for example T#70ms).
Transmit on change: Variables will be sent only if their values have changed; the
Minimum gap can define a minimum time lapse between transfers.