Project archive: extract archive, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29


Project Archive: Extract Archive...
This command (category 'File commands') is used to extract an archive file (default file
extension .projectarchive) that has been created by use of the command Save/Send
Regard that extracting an archive will require to close all currently loaded projects in
any of the currently opened instances of the programming system. This is to avoid
direct impact on running projects if for example libraries are changed due to the
extract operation.
The archive file can be selected via the standard dialog box that arises in response to
the command execution. After confirmation of the selection with Open there will pop
up a dialog box:

Abb. 138 Project archive dialog

General: Under Extract archive content relatively to: the path to which the archive is to
be extracted to is specified. You can modify the target directory either by hand (click on

the path indication and modify it by typing) or by a click on

, what gives rise to

the standard dialog for browsing.
The lower rectangle of the dialog box displays the file categories packed in the archive.
A click on the sign , which antecedes each category, will expand a list of its
associated files. All categories mentioned are marked by , what indicates that all of
the corresponding files will be extracted. If you want to prevent certain files or even
an entire category from being extracted, you have to deactivate their marking by a
click (the mark will then appear as for partial deactivation, respectively for entire