L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
Concepts and Base Components
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
• An "application" object only can be inserted below a "Plc Logic" node (symbolic
node for programmable devices). If several applications resp. an application tree
are inserted, the application names must be unique within the scope of the device.
The applications oBelow each application further programming objects can be
inserted like e.g. DUT, GVL or visualization objects. A task configuration must be
inserted below each application. In this task configuration the respective program
calls must be defined (instances of POUs from the POUs window or application
specific POUs). If several applications are inserted directly below a device, it is to be
defined in the I/O-Mapping of the device, which of these applications should be
actually regarded.
• Hierarchical arrangement of applications, Scopes:
An application can be inserted below another application: Let's name the resulting
construct "Father application" - "Child application". The child application can use
the objects of the father application, not however vice versa! Background: A child
application always should be removable or replaceable without concerning the
father application. See the following figure: 'Application' is a father application for
'App1', that again is a father application for 'App2':
Abb. 19 "Father"- and "child applications"
• Network scan of the current hardware
As an assistance for setting up the PLC configuration in the device tree a scan
functionality is provided by the standard device editors. The current hardware
structure can be read and displayed in a dialog, allowing the user to direct take
over the desired modules to the projects' device tree in the project. To this see
command 'Scan For Devices'.