L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Device Editors

DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29


Installing and Inserting EtherCAT devices
The combination of EtherCAT devices with a »PLC Designer« SP Win V3 requires the
installation of the packet library WinPCap (for a free download visit for example
In addition you have to enlarge the »PLC Designer« configuration file
(...\GatewayPLC\»PLC Designer«SP.cfg) by the appropriate one of the following entries:
• Component.=SysEthernet
• Component.=CmpEt100Drv (to be used with IntelPro100)
• Component.=CmpRTL81x9Mpd (to be used with RTL8139)
• Component.=CmpRTL8169Mpd (to be used with Realtek

RTL8169 or RTL8168(PCIe Version))

In order to be able to insert and configure EtherCAT devices as objects in the devices
tree, the Master and Slave devices must be installed (which is automatically done by
the standard »PLC Designer« setup) via the Device Repository dialog, using the device
description files
provided with the hardware. The device description file for the master
(*.devdesc.xml) i.a. defines which slaves can be inserted. The descriptions for the slaves
are also available as xml-files (file type: EtherCAT XML Device Description
Configuration Files).
An EtherCAT Master can be added to the Devices tree via command 'Add Object' or
'Add Device'. Below a master one or several slaves might be inserted.
As soon as the master device is inserted in the devices tree, the required library
IoDrvEtherCAT.library will automatically be included in the library manager.
Furthermore an EtherCAT_Master task will be inserted in the Task Configuration of the
currently active application. As usual you may add to this task the call of a POU,
wherein you may set EtherCAT specific boolean variables to influence the behaviour of
the EtherCAT configuration within the application:
Support of optional devices
The lack of EtherCAT devices, which are configured within the application, will cause
an error during the start up of the field bus leading to an abortion of the stack. By
.StartConfigWithLessDevice := TRUE;
at the beginning of the first PLC cycle missing devices may then be treated as optional
devices that do not influence the correct start-up of the field bus any longer.
Disabling of extra output message
To switch the outputs as fast as possible the EtherCAT master will send a message
separately for each single task. If for example a connected drive synchronizes to the
real time output data, the bus cylce task should be the only one to be allowed to set
the outputs, as the multiple messages would disturb the synchronization. To disable
extra task messages you have to set
.EnableTaskOutputMessage := FALSE;
once in the first PLC cycle.