Recipe definition, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

General Editors

DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29


The buttons


may be used to adjust the order of the selected

columns, which represents the order the columns will get stored within the storage
For each recipe a file .. will be
created in the specified folder. This file(s) will be reload to the Recipe Manager at each
restart of the application. As long as option Save changes to recipes automatically is
activated (default), the storage file(s) will be updated at any modification of a recipe
during run time. If this is not desired, the option must be deactivated.
If you click on Save as default the settings made within this dialog will from now on
be used as default settings for each further recipe manager inserted.


Recipe Definition
The Recipe Manager handles one or several recipe definitions. A "recipe definition"
contains a list of variables and one or several "recipes" (value sets) for these variables.
By using different recipes you can for example assign another set of values to a set of
variables on the PLC in one stroke.

Recipe Definition
A Recipe Definition must be added as a further object below the Recipe Manager in the
Devices tree.
When a recipe definition object is selected, the corresponding editor window can be
opened by a mouse-click on the entry or by command 'Edit Object'.

Abb. 398 Recipe Definition, editor window

The editor window will be titled with the name of the recipe definition.
In a table you can enter several project variables for which you want to define one or
several recipes. Always one empty line will be available at the end of the table for
adding a further variable.
In the Variable field enter the name of a project variable, for example "plc_prg.ivar".
The Type will be filled automatically. Optionally you can define a symbolic Name.
The column Comment is thought for adding additional information as for example the
unit of the value recorded in the variable.
The Minimal Value and Maximal Value which should be permissible for being written
on this variable can be specified optionally.
The Current Value will be monitored in online mode.