L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
Page 819

L-force | PLC Designer
General Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Selection (only for Table: Selection color, Apply to columns, Selection type, Frame
around selected cells, Variable for selection X, Variable for selection Y, Variable for
valid selection X, Variable for valid selection Y)
Selection color
fill color for selected cells
Apply to columns
by pressing this button the "Selection color" will overwrite the
"Alarmstate - Fillcolor" of templates that would normally indicate a
Selection type
defines which part of the table will be selected by clicking on one table
SEL_NONE (no selection)
SEL_CELL (the cell will be selected)
SEL_ROW (selection of the row containing the cell)
SEL_COLUMN (selection of the column containing the cell)
SEL_ROW_AND_COLUMN (selection of row and column containing
the cell)
Frame around selected cells checkbox to switch on or off a frame around the selected part
Variable for selection X
variable of type INT that gets assigned to the array index related to the
row of the selected element
Variable for selection Y
variable of type INT that gets assigned to the array index related to the
column of the selected element; in case of a structure / POU the
entries will be enumerated sequentially starting with 0
(Note: Be aware that the value represents the correct position within
the array/structure/POU only if no columns are suppressed from being
displayed within the table)
Variable for valid selection
boolean variable that gets assigned to a value indicating a valid
selection of a column within the table
Variable for valid selection
boolean variable that gets assigned to a value indicating a valid
selection of a row within the table
Buttonstate variable (only for Button)
Enter a boolean variable, which will control the display of the button as
"pressed" (TRUE) resp. "not pressed" (FALSE).
Bitmap ID variable (only for Button)
This is a dynamic definition of the bitmap to be displayed in the button element.
For static definition see category 'Bitmapinfo'.
Bitmap ID
Enter a string variable providing the ID of the desired bitmap as defined
in the respective image pool. See also the description in category