L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
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DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Abb. 244 Dialog 'Page Setup', category 'Document'
Here you define the format of the headings and which heading levels are to be noticed
in the table of contents.
What is a heading level? The heading level an object gets assigned in the
documentation, is determined by the position of the object in the POUs resp.
Devices tree. All objects directly below the root of the tree will get heading level 1 in
a print set. Objects further indented get header levels 2 and higher. The numbering
within one level is according to the vertical sequence of the objects within the tree.
By default heading levels 1-3 are already configured with default font settings (as
displayed in the picture above). They are shown in the Headings list.
Further levels, which are possibly used in the project documentation, automatically
will get displayed according to the settings defined for the last level described in the
list (for example in default case level 4 and higher will look like level 3). If you however
want to configure those higher levels explicitly, use button Add level to add them to
the headings list, because:
All heading levels shown in the list can be modified concerning their font settings. For
this purpose select the list entry and use button Edit level.... The standard dialog for
font configuration will open where you can do the appropriate settings.
The last entry in the headings list can be removed by button Remove level.