Arbitrary expressions for variable initialization, Declaration editor, Autodeclaration dialog – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
Programming Reference
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Arbitrary expressions for variable initialization
A variable can be initialized with any valid ST expression. It is possible to access other
variables out of the same scope, and it is possible to call functions. However the
programmer has to assure that a variable used for initialization of another variable is
already initialized.
Examples for valid variable initializations:
x : INT := 13 + 8;
y : INT := x + fun(4);
z : POINTER TO INT := ADR(y); (* be careful: the pointer will not be initialized during
online change! *)
Declaration Editor
The declaration editor is a text or tabular editor used for the declaration of variables.
Usually it is provided in combination with the language editors.
See Declaration Editor for detailed information.
Autodeclaration Dialog
It can be defined in the Options dialog, category 'Text Editor' / 'Editing', that an Auto
Declare dialog should open as soon as a not yet declared string is entered in the
implementation part of an editor and the
support the declaration of the variable.
The dialog also can be opened explicitly by command 'Auto Declare', which by default
is available in the Edit menu, or by
selected before, its declaration can be edited in the dialog.