Options, cfc editor, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

To edit a field in the mapping table, perform a double-click on this field or select the
field and press . Assign a target device to each source device:
For entries in the 'Source device' column the dialog 'Select Source device' will open,
where all devices are listed which can be handled by the converter. Select the desired
one to get it entered in the source device field.
For entries in the 'Target device' field the 'Select Target device' dialog will open, where
you can choose one of the currently installed devices. The usage of the dialog (sorting
by vendor and categories) corresponds to that of the device repository dialog. (Also see
the description of the device conversion during 'Open Project') . If you choose 'None',
the source device will not be available in the new project, that is also application
specific objects like for example the task configuration will not be converted!

All device mappings which are listed here in the options dialog, will be applied at the
next conversion of an old project and its device references. Thus you do not need to
repeat the mapping definition when the same device is referenced in multiple projects
to be converted.


Options, CFC Editor
This sub-dialog of the options dialog provides settings concerning the editing in a CFC
(Continuous Function Chart) editor.
The settings will immediately be applied to the currently opened editor views as soon
as they have been confirmed (and the dialog closed) with OK.
Enable AutoConnect: If this option is activated the following is true: When you drop
CFC elements somewhere on the canvas, unconnected pins that are touching each
other, will be connected automatically. This might be useful for quick editing, however
take care not to create connections accidentally when moving elements around!

Abb. 218 Example of step time displayed in online mode