L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
Page 142

L-force | PLC Designer
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Write a PLC program
(3) Declare variables in PLC_PRG
Open POU "PLC_PRG", which by default is already available in the Devices window, in
a ST language editor window. For this purpose perform a double-click on entry
"PLC_PRG" in the Devices tree.
The POU "PLC_PRG", which by default is already available in the Devices window, is
automatically opened in a ST language editor window in the center part of the PLC
Designer user interface. Basically a POU always can be opened in its editor view by a
double-click on the entry in the devices resp. POUs tree.
The ST editor consists of a declaration part (upper) and a "body" (lower part), separated
by a movable screen divider.
The declaration part shows line numbers at the left border, the POUs type and name
("PROGRAM PLC_PRG") and the embracing keywords "VAR" and "END_VAR" for the
variables declaration.
The body is empty, only line number 1 is displayed:
In the declaration part of the editor put the cursor behind VAR and press the
key. An empty line will be inserted where you may enter the declaration of the
variables "ivar" and "erg" of type INT and fbinst of type FB1:
ivar: INT;
fbinst: FB1;
erg: INT;
Alternatively, you may directly type an instruction in the implementation part of the
editor (body) and make use of the Autodeclare function.