L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Concepts and Base Components


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

Abb. 18

Device tree, example

• Each entry in the device tree shows the symbol, the symbolic name (editable) and

the device type (=device name as provided by the device description)

• A device is programmable or just parameterizable. The type of the device

determines the possible position within the resources tree and also which further
resources can be inserted below the device. Programmable devices are indicated by
an additional

Plc Logic" node inserted automatically below the device entry.

Below this node the objects needed for programming the device (applications, text
lists etc.), as well as functional objects like e.g. a Parameter Manager, can be
inserted. Pure parameterizable devices can not get assigned such programming
objects, however the values of the device parameters might be edited in the
parameter dialog of the device editor. Regard that the programmability of a device
is a property which can change (device description) without the need of reinserting
the device.

• Within a single project one or several programmable devices - regardless of

manufacturer or type - can be configured ("Multi-Resource", "Multi-Device",

• The configuration of a device concerning communication, parameters, I/O

Mapping is done in the Device dialog (Device Editor), which can be opened by a
double-click on the device entry (see Device Editor for a description).

In online mode an icon at the beginning of a device entry indicates whether the

device currently is connected or not connected . Additional diagnostics
information is provided in the device dialog in category "status".