Auto declare, Smart coding commands - auto declare, Declare – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Insert with arguments: If this option is activated, items which include arguments, like
for example functions, will be inserted with those arguments. For example: If function
block FB1, which contains an input variable fb1_in and an output variable fb1_out, is
inserted with arguments, the following will be written to the editor: fb1(fb1_in:= ,
fb1_out=> )
Auto Declare...
Smart Coding commands - Auto Declare
The 'AutoDeclare' plug-in provides the command Auto Declare.... for command
category 'Smart Coding'.
By default the command is part of the 'Edit' menu. If necessary open the Customize
dialog to view resp. modify the menu configuration. Notice that some options can be
set concerning the SmartCoding functions in the Options dialog.
Default Shortcut:
This command - provided by the AutoDeclare plug-in - opens the 'Auto Declare' dialog
for the declaration of a variable. For this purpose the cursor must be placed in a line of
the implementation part of the editor, which contains an undeclared variable or an
already variable must be selected. If the dialog should open automatically as soon as a
line containing a not yet declared variable is left, the respective option in the
SmartCoding Options must be activated.
Abb. 248 Dialog Box for Declaration of Variables
Some fields will be filled automatically with default values, but still can be edited:
Name: By default: the name of the new variable which you have entered in the editor.