Return instruction in fbd/ld/il, Branch / hanging coil in fbd/ld/il, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
General Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
RETURN instruction in FBD/LD/IL
With a RETURN instruction the FBD, LD or IL POU can be left.
In a FBD or LD network it can be placed in parallel or at the end of the previous
elements. If the input of a RETURN is TRUE, the processing of the POU immediately will
be aborted.
For inserting use command Insert Return. Alternatively drag the element from the
toolbox or copy or move it from another position within the editor.
Abb. 379 RETURN element
In IL the RET instruction is used.
Branch / Hanging Coil in FBD/LD/IL
In a FBD resp. LD network a branch resp. a hanging coil splits up the processing line as
from the current cursor position. The processing line will continue in two
"subnetworks" which will be executed one after each other from up to down. Each
subnetwork can get a further branch, such allowing multiple branching within a
Each subnetwork gets an own "marker" (an upstanding rectangle symbol) which can
be selected (cursor position 11) in order to perform actions on this arm of the branch.
Abb. 380 Examples of branch markers