L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
Page 914

L-force | PLC Designer
Device Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Input parameters:
On a rising edge at this input the reading of the slave parameter will be started. In
order to get the internal channel deallocated, the instance must be called at least
once by "xExecute:= FALSE".
If this parameter is TRUE, the current read process will be aborted.
Number of the EtherCAT Master: If only one EtherCAT Master is used, usiCom is
"1". In case of multiple masters use "1" for the first, "2" for the second, etc.
Physical address of the slave.
If the autoconfiguration mode in the master is deactivated , an own address can
be set in the slave. That arbitrarily chosen address must be entered here.
If the autoconfiguration mode is activated, the first slave will get address "1001".
The current address of a slave can be checked in the Slave configuration dialog in
field „EtherCAT address“.
Reserved for future extensions. Currently not used.
Index of the parameter in the object dictionary.
Subindex of the parameter in the object dictionary.
Here you can set a timeout in milliseconds. If the reading of the parameter has
not been executed within this time, an error message will be generated.
Pointer on a data buffer in which the data will be stored after a successful
parameter transfer.
Size of the data buffer (see above: pBuffer) in Bytes.
Output parameters:
This output will get TRUE as soon as the reading of the parameter has been
finished successfully.
This output is TRUE as long as the reading has not yet been finished.
This output will get TRUE, if an error is detected. eError will show the cause.
This output (type ETC_CO_ERROR) shows the cause of the detected error, which is
indicated by xError. For example "ETC_CO_TIMEOUT" in case of an timeout.
In case of an error detected in the device, this output will provide more detailed
information on the error.
Number of read Bytes; maximum szSize (see input parameters).