L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
Page 804

L-force | PLC Designer
General Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Further on it can be configured concerning its animation behaviour, see in the
Element Properties Editor
Basically the properties of an element get configured in the Properties editor.
Exception: The position parameters can also be changed directly via moving the
element by mouse and via menu commands, and the text input can also be done
The properties editor can be opened via command 'Element Properties' (per default in
the 'View' menu). It shows the properties of the currently selected element according
to the filter currently set via the editors' Filter menu (see below):
A Property can be modified by editing the Value field. For this purpose - depending on
the property type - you can open an edit frame, a selection list or a dialog by a double-
click on the selected field.
In case of properties of category Inputs / OnDialogClosed or Inputs / OnMouse-actions
the current configuration is shown in one or several lines below the "Configure..." value
field. To modify these particular sub-configurations, click on the respective line to get a
simplified configuration dialog. To modify or delete the complete mouse-action
configuration, click on the "Configure..." field to get the original configuration dialog.
Abb. 441 Properties editor, example
Notice the possibility of using sorting and filter functions for the display of the of
element properties list: Menu bar (Filter and Sorting).