L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
Page 591

L-force | PLC Designer
General Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
The desired element can be selected in the toolbox and inserted in the editor window
via drag&drop.
Besides the programming elements there is an entry
, by default at the top of
the toolbox list. As long as this entry is selected, the cursor has the shape of an arrow
and you can select elements in the editor window for positioning and editing them.
The elements:
The text offered by "???" can be selected and replaced by
a variable or constant. The input assistance serves to
select a valid identifier.
A box can be used to represent operators, functions,
function blocks and programs. The text offered "???" can
be selected and replaced by an operator, function,
function block or program name. The input assistance
serves to select one of the available objects.
In case a function block is inserted, another "???" will be
displayed above the box and have to be replaced by the
name of the function block instance.
If an existing box is replaced by another one (by
modifying the entered name) and the new one has a
different minimum or maximum number of input or
output pins, the pins will be adapted correspondingly. If
pins are to be removed, the lowest one will be removed
The jump element is used to indicate at which position
the execution of the program should continue. This
position is defined by a label (see below). So replace the
text offered by "???" by the label name.
A label marks the position to which the program can
jump (see above 'Jump')
In online mode a RETURN label for marking the end of
POU is automatically inserted.
Note that in Online mode a RETURN element is
automatically inserted in the first column and after the
last element in the editor. In stepping it is automatically
jumped to before execution leaves the POU.
A composer is used to handle an input of a box which is
of type of a structure. The composer will display the
structure components and thus make them accessible in
the CFC for the programmer. For this purpose name the
composer like the concerned structure (by replacing "???"
by the name) and connect it to the box instead of using
an "input" element .