L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

User and Access Rights Management

DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29


Access Right Management
User management in a project is only useful in combination with the access right
management. Notice the following:
• In a new project basically all rights are not yet defined explicitly but set to a default

value. This default value usually is: "granted".

• In the further run of working on the project each right can be explicitly granted or

denied resp. set back to default. The access right management of a project is done
in the Permissions dialog or - for object access rights - in the Access Control dialog
which is part of the object Properties dialog.

• Access rights on objects get "inherited". If an object has a "father" object (example:

if an action is assigned to a program object, that is inserted in the structure tree
below the program, then the program is the "father" of the action object) , the
current rights of the father automatically will become the default settings of the
child. Father-child relations of objects concerning the access rights usually
correspond with the relations shown in the POUs or Devices tree and are indicated
in the Permissions dialog by the syntax ".".
Example: Action ACT is assigned to POU object PLC_PRG. So in the POUs window
ACT is shown in the objects tree indented below PLC_PRG. In the Permissions
dialog ACT is represented by "PLC_PRG.ACT" indicating that PLC_PRG is the "father"
of ACT. If the "modify" right would be denied explicitly for PLC_PRG and a certain
user group, the default value of the "modify" right for ACT automatically also
would be "denied".