Ethercat configuration / slave, Ethercat i/o mapping, Status – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

Page 908: Information, L-force | plc designer

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L-force | PLC Designer

Device Editors


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

File access over EtherCAT
If you want transfer firmware files to or from the slave you have click on the Bootstrap
button to switch the slave in 'Bootstrap Mode'. The Download and Upload of firmware
files can be done with the corresponding buttons.
A dialog to save or open the firmware file will open. In this dialog a string and
password is required to execute the file transfer. This information is provided by the
slave device and documented in the datasheet of the slave.

E²PROM access
The slave configuration can be read from the E²PROM or write to the E²PROM. Here as
well as for the firmware transfer a dialog to open or save files will open.

EtherCAT Configuration / Slave
This tab of the configuration editor for an EtherCAT Slave provides all slave parameters
as defined by the device description file.
If the Autoconfig mode is activated in the master, these settings are done
automatically basing on the given device descriptions and network topology. Normally
they have not to be modified for standard applications.
The parameters are listed with Parameter name, data Type, currently set Value,
Default Value, Unit and a short Description. The value field might be edited for
configuration purposes. However if Autoconfig mode is active, modifications will be
without any effect!
See DeviceEditor / Configuration for a general description on the Configuration tab of
an device editor .

EtherCAT I/O Mapping
This tab of the configuration editor for an EtherCAT Slave provides the possibility to
assign project variables to the EtherCAT outputs resp. inputs. Thus the PLC, which is
connected to the EtherCAT slave, can be controlled by the application program.
For a description on how to do the mapping please see DeviceEditor / IO Mapping.

This tab of the configuration editor for an EtherCAT device provides status information
(for example "Running", "Stopped") and device-specific diagnostic messages, also on
the used card and the internal bus system.

This dialog is provided on a tab of an EtherCAT Master or Slave configuration dialog. If
available for the current module, the following general information will be displayed:
Name, Vendor, Type, Version number, Categories, Order Number, Description, Image.