Network, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
General Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
To insert an element in the editor, select it in the toolbox by a mouse-click and by
drag&drop bring it to the editor window. The possible insert positions will be indicated
by position markers (usually rhombs), which appear as long as the element is drawn -
keeping the mouse button pressed - across the editor window. Always the nearest
possible position will light up green. When leaving the mouse button the element will
be inserted at the currently "green" position.
If you draw a box element on an existing box element, the new one will replace the old
one; if inputs and outputs already have been assigned, those primarily will remain as
A network is the basic entity of a FBD or LD program. In the FBD/LD editor the
networks are arranged in a vertical list. Each network is designated on the left side by a
serial network number and has a structure consisting of either a logical or an
arithmetic expression, a program, function or function block call, and a jump or a
return instruction.
The IL editor, due to the common editor base with the FBD and LD editors, also uses the
network element. If an object initially was programmed in FBD or LD and then is
converted to IL, the networks will be still present in the IL program. Viceversa, if you
start programming an object in IL, you at least need 1 network element which might
contain all instructions, but you also can use further networks to structure the
program, for example if considering a conversion to FBD or LD.
A network optionally can get assigned a title, a comment and a label:
The availability of the title and the comment fields can be switched on and off in the
'FBD, LD, IL Editor Options dialog. If the option is activated, you can open an edit field
for the title by a mouse-click in the network directly below the upper border. For
entering a comment correspondingly open an edit field directly below the title field.
The comment might be multi-lined. Linebreaks can be inserted via
of the comment text is terminated by
To add a label, which then can be addressed by a jump, use the command Insert label.
If a label is defined, it will be displayed below the title and comment field resp. - if
those are not available - directly below the upper border of the network.
Abb. 377 Positions of title, comment and label in a network