Maple Systems MAPware-7000 User Manual
Page 92

MAPware-7000 Programming Manual
1010-1040, Rev. 02
When complete, the HMC7057 will reinitialize and display the application:
Click on the ‘0’ to display a popup keypad:
Use the keypad to enter the value ‘10’ into the register. Press Enter. This will write the
value into the Allen Bradley MicroLogix 1400 N7:50 register.
Press the F1 key to display Screen #2.
Notice that the value in the register has changed to ‘50’. This was done by the Screen
Task for Screen #1. Now use the keypad to enter the value ‘100’.
Notice that the ‘Boiler Status’ lamp is now ON. The ladder logic program we created
compared the value in the PLC register with the constant ‘100’ and turned ON the bit as
a result.
If you have the expansion module, try closing the contact to X0 on the module. This
should cause the ‘X0 Contact – Slot 1’ lamp to light: