Maple Systems OIT Family User Manual
Oit family, Operation manual, Plc protocols)

1010-0099, Rev. 07
808 134th Street SW, Suite 120
Everett, WA 98204-7333, USA
Phone: (425) 745-3229
Fax: (425) 745-3429
E-mail: [email protected]
OIT Family
Operation Manual
(PLC Protocols)
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Ta ble Of Con tents
- IN TRO DUC TION: Wel come 3
- CHAP TER 1: Getting Started 5
- CHAP TER 2: Op er a tional Over view 20
- CHAP TER 4: PLC Reg is ter Mon i tors 44
- CHAP TER 5: Dis playing Stored Screens 65
- CHAP TER 6: Key Types 74
- CHAP TER 7: Con fig uring the User-Definable Key pad (OIT3100 and OIT4100 Se ries, ex cept 3160/4160) 88
- CHAP TER 8: Using the LEDs (OIT3250, OIT4450, OIT5400 only) 94
- CHAP TER 9: Using a Se rial Printer (OIT3250, OIT4450, OIT5400 only) 98
- CHAP TER 10: Using the Real-Time Clock (OIT3250, OIT3600, OIT4450, OIT5400 only) 100
- CHAP TER 11: Other OIT Op er ating Modes 102
- CHAP TER 12: Util ities 107
- AP PEN DIX A: Ex tended Char ac ter Sets 109
- AP PEN DIX B: Slide-in Leg end Tem plates 111
- AP PEN DIX C: Trou ble shooting 121
- !
- +/- Key
- 0 to 9 Keys
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Page Down Key
- Page Up Key
- PLC Register Monitor Attributes 55
- PLC Register Monitor Formats 47
- 1/0 Coil 49
- 4-Digit BCD 48
- 8-Digit BCD 48
- Alarm Stack Size 50
- ASCII Char 50
- ASCII String - PLC 16-bit Register 51
- ASCII String - PLC Coil 51
- Bank 16 50
- Bank 8 49
- Bar Graph 53
- Date (European) 53
- Date (US) 53
- Decimal 47
- Floating Point 54
- Long 47
- Message Stack Size 50
- On/Off Coil 49
- Signed 47
- Time (12 Hour) 53
- Time (24 Hour) 53
- PLC Register Monitors 29, 44
- PLC Screen Request 65
- Print Screen Key
- Printing 42, 98
- R
- S
- Screen Chain 41, 69
- Screen Dependent Function Keys 74, 77
- Screen Saver 71
- Screen Stack 69
- Set Points 62, 72
- Setup Key
- Setup Mode 102
- Slide-in Legends 111
- Startup Screen 43, 65
- Status Coils 25
- Acknowledge Alarm 25, 28
- Alarm Stack Empty 25, 28
- Alarm Stack Full 25, 27
- Clear Alarm 25, 27
- Clear Alarm Stack 25, 28
- Configuring 8
- Invalid Display Message Number 25, 26
- Message Received 21, 25, 26
- Message Stack Empty 25, 27
- Message Stack Full 25, 27
- Message/Keytable Error 25, 26
- OIT Pulse 25, 28
- Reset 25, 27
- Update PLC Clock 25, 28
- Status LEDs 95
- System LEDs 94
- T
- U