Maple Systems MAPware-7000 User Manual
Page 214

MAPware-7000 Programming Manual
1010-1040, Rev. 02
Membrane key tasks –tasks attached to one or more of the membrane-style keys. Key
tasks can be assigned globally (task is executed no matter what screen is currently
displayed) or by screen. Key tasks are further split into three types:
o Press tasks: task executes each time the targeted key is pressed by the operator.
It does not matter if the key is pressed and released or pressed and held down,
the associated task will execute only once per key press.
o Pressed tasks: task continuously executes while the associated key is held down
o Released tasks: task executes when the operator releases a pressed key. Note
that the associated task only executes once per key release.
Screen Tasks: these are tasks that are ‘tagged’ to a particular screen. Therefore, screen
tasks execute when the screen displays. There are three types of screen tasks:
o ‘Before showing Screen’: task executes before the tagged screen is displays
o ‘While showing Screen’: task executes continuously while the tagged screen
o ‘After Hiding Screen’: task executes immediately after the tagged screen is
Global Task: these tasks execute continuously while HMC7000 is on. Tasks are ‘global’
meaning that it does not depend on any particular screen to display.
Power-on Task: tasks that execute once during initial power-up of the HMC.
Not all tasks are available for each method of execution (i.e. global vs. power-on, etc.) as some
tasks are not suitable is some circumstances. Below is a table that indicates which tasks are
available for each method of execution: