4 . lanes, 1 defining lanes, Lanes -1 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 98: Defining lanes -1, Lanes

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4. Lanes

Before you can use many of the analysis functions, you must first define lanes and
bands on the gel image. This chapter describes the tools for defining lanes.


If you want to compare bands across lanes (using standards or band matching),
the lane lines should be approximately the same length, with their starting points
aligned across the top of the image. This is important for calculating the relative
mobility of the bands. If gel wells are visible in the image, you should center the
start points of the lane lines on the wells and position the ends of the lanes
slightly below the last band for best results.

4.1 Defining Lanes

You can define lanes individually or as part of a frame. The functions for doing this
are on the Lane menu and toolbar.

Fig. 4-1. Lane menu and toolbar.

In Quantity One, lanes are defined by red lane lines overlaid on a gel. The lane lines
can be created individually (see section 4.1.c, Single Lanes), or they can be created
as part of a lane frame.