Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 136

background image

Chapter 5. Bands


For a band that overlaps with an adjacent band, Gaussian fitting provides the best way
to resolve the area that overlaps. (This quantity would be lost with conventional band


Gaussian modeling requires little or no background in lanes. Subtract lane
background using the Lane Background command (see section 4.2, Lane-Based
Background Subtraction
) prior to modeling. Also, high-resolution images require
significantly more time to model. To reduce image resolution, use the Reduce
File Size
command (see section 2.2.f, Reduce File Size).

To model bands using Gaussian fitting, first detect the bands, then select Gauss-
model Bands
from the Band menu.


Gaussian modeling will not create bands or eliminate detected bands. It will
simply apply a Gaussian curve to the profiles of detected bands.

In the pop-up box, select All to model all lanes, or One to model a single lane. If you
select One, type the number of the lane in the field.

Fig. 5-14. Gauss-model Bands dialog.

Click on OK. A status box will display the progress of the modeling.

Reviewing the Results

Bands that have been Gauss-modeled will appear as normal bands in the image. To
view the results of Gaussian fitting, magnify a few bands in a modeled lane using the
Zoom Box tool, then select Bands in Lane or Plot Band from the Band menu and
click on the lane.

Plot Band displays the Gaussian curve superimposed on the profile of the selected
band. Bands in Lane displays the Gaussian profiles of all the bands in the lane, as
shown in Fig. 5-13.