3 band types report, Band types report -6 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Quantity One User Guide


Select the data to display using the checkboxes.

Select the Font Size, Column Spacing, and Line Spacing settings to be used in the
report by clicking on the button next to each field and selecting from the list of

To save the report options, click on the Modify Report Settings button and enter a
name for the report settings in the field.

To load or delete previously saved settings, click on the button next to the Settings to
Load or Delete
field and select from the list of saved settings. Then click on Load or

To display the report, click on the Report button. The report will be displayed in a
standard report window (see section 10.1, Report Window).

10.3 Band Types Report

The Band Types Report shows the presence or absence of specific bands in specific
lanes of a gel. The report window displays a schematic representation of all the bands
and lanes in the gel, with the presence or absence of bands shown as specified in the
options dialog.