C.3 step ii. position gel – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Appendix C. ChemiDoc XRS


Selecting a higher Gain setting (2x) provides higher sensitivity without reduced
resolution; however, noise will also increase. This is useful for faint signals (bright
spots will saturate).

Click OK to save and add the new custom application to the custom list. The new
application is automatically selected as your application.

C.3 Step II. Position Gel

Click the Live/Focus button, and frames will be captured and displayed at about 10
frames per second, depending on the speed of your computer.

You can use live mode to zoom, focus, and adjust the aperture on the camera, while
positioning the sample within the area.


ChemiDoc XRS features a motorized zoom lens that can be controlled directly
from the acquisition window using the Iris, Zoom, and Focus arrow buttons.
Click on the Up/Down buttons while viewing your sample in the window to
adjust the lens.

Fig.C-4. Live/Focus button and camera control buttons.

You can also select the Show Alignment Grid checkbox to facilitate positioning.


After positioning your sample, you should check the Imaging Area dimensions
under Options (see C.5, Options) to make sure that they conform to the size of
the area you are focusing on. To determine the size of the area you are focusing
on, you can place a ruler in the ChemiDoc XRS hood so that it is visible in the