K.5 acquire the image – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 407

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Quantity One User Guide



For most applications, you can select an exposure time, capture an image, study
it, and then adjust the exposure time accordingly. Repeat this procedure as many
times as necessary to obtain a good image. For chemiluminescent samples, which
degrade over time and emit low levels of light, select a high exposure time
initially or use the Optimize Exposure command described on page 12.


For shorter exposures, you can use Preview to test different exposure times. Click on
the Preview button to create a preview exposure and display it in the acquisition


The camera on the VersaDoc must be at the correct operating temperature before
capturing images. The temperature adjustment can take several minutes after the
camera is turned on, depending on your VersaDoc model and the ambient room
temperature. See your hardware manual for details.

A preview scan takes only half as long to create as a real scan, because the preview
scan does not capture a “dark” image. The progress of the exposure will be displayed
in the Exposure Status bar at the bottom of the dialog box.

You cannot save preview scans.

If you want to stop a preview scan that is in progress, click on the Stop button.

K.5 Acquire the Image

You can acquire a single exposure for each channel based on the time selected in Step
III (Set Exposure Time), or take a series of exposures for a particular channel over a
specified interval (Optimize Exposure).

Illumination Flat Fielding

For applications using the UV or white light transillumination, you should use the
appropriate reference plate to ensure a uniform intensity in the image. This will
compensate for normal variations in image pixel intensity that occur with a
transilluminating light source.