J.5 acquire the image – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 394

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Appendix J. FX


File Size of Images

Image File Size (below Select Resolution) shows the size of the scan file you are
about to create. If you do not have enough computer memory for the specified file
size, an error message will appear when you attempt to scan. If this happens, select a
lower resolution or decrease the size of the area to be scanned. (Macintosh users can
also increase the application memory partition. See your Macintosh computer
documentation for guidance.)

J.5 Acquire the Image

Once you have selected your application, scan area, and resolution, you are ready to
acquire an image.

Click on the Acquire button. There may be a short delay while the image laser warms
up; then the scanned image will begin to appear in the scanning window, line by line.

To interrupt a scan, click on the Stop button. A message will ask you to confirm the
interrupt, and then you will be asked if you want to keep the partial scan. This feature
is useful if you overestimated the size of the area you selected.


If the image you are scanning has more than 10 saturated pixels, you will receive
a warning message. If this happens, you can go back and select a higher sample
intensity in the application tree.

Saving the Image

After the scan is complete, a message will appear asking you if you want to keep the
scan. If you select Yes, a separate window will pop up containing the new image.

You can then save and analyze the image using the standard menu and toolbar