Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 213

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Quantity One User Guide



If you select Print All Pages, the number of pages printed may be less than the
number of screen pages listed in the report window. This is because the print
command reformats the data to make maximum use of the paper size.

Exporting Report Data

You can export the report data to a spreadsheet application for further computation
and analysis.

Click on the Export button to open the Export Report dialog.

Fig. 10-4. Export Report dialog.

Exported data can be separated by commas or tabs, depending on the requirements of
your spreadsheet application.

You can save the data to a text file or to the clipboard by selecting the appropriate
option button. If you select File, when you click on OK a dialog will open in which
you can save the file.

Reformatting Report Data

Click on the Reformat button to open the options dialog for the report and select
different display options. This button is not available in all reports.