Chapter 6. standards and band matching, Band set toolbar – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 162

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Chapter 6. Standards and Band Matching


Fig. 6-14. Applying and editing band type values.

If you change any of the values in the list, that will be reflected in the matching on the

Click on the numbered Arrow button next to a band value and click on a band in the
gel to identify that band.

You can enter names for the band types in the Name column. These will appear in
subsequent reports and print-outs.

To remove a band from the set, click on the triangle icon next to the band value.
Confirm the deletion, and the remaining band types will be renumbered.

Band Set Toolbar

The toolbar in the Band Set dialog contains all the commands needed for matching.

Assign band type to

Delete band type

the mouse

Band type value