H.2 step i. select application – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Quantity One User Guide


H.2 Step I. Select Application

To set the appropriate filter and other parameters for the type of object you are
imaging, click on the Select button under Select Application. The available
applications and their associated settings are listed in a tree that expands from left to

Fig.H-3. The application tree in the Fluor-S MAX acquisition window.

First select your general application, then select the particular stain or medium you
are using. If you select the chemiluminescent application under “Blotting,” you also
have the option of selecting High Sensitivity or Ultra Sensitivity (see below).

When you select an application, the software automatically sets the appropriate
standard filter (520LP, 530DF60, 610LP, clear, or none), light type (UV, white, or
none), and light source (trans, epi, or neither) in the Fluor-S MAX for that particular

For applications involving trans illumination, you must also specify a scan dimension
(see below).

Your selection will be displayed below the Select button. To exit the tree without
selecting, press the

