K.2 step i. select application, K.2.a. selecting a channel – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Appendix K. VersaDoc



Select the application.


Position and focus the object to be imaged.


Set the exposure time.


Acquire the image.

K.2 Step I. Select Application

In Step 1, you select the appropriate filters and other imaging parameters for the type
of gel, blot, plate, or other object that you are imaging. Each set of parameters you
select is called an application.

The VersaDoc supports multichannel sequential imaging. This allows you to
automatically image the same object using up to four different applications (e.g., to
detect different types of stains on the same gel).

First you select a channel, then you select the application under that channel.

K.2.a. Selecting a Channel


Illumination Flat Fielding will be disabled if you use multiple channels.

The four channels are accessed using the tabs under Step 1. Channel 1 is always
enabled—that is, the VersaDoc will always capture an image using the application
settings selected under Channel 1 first.

To enable any of the remaining channels, click on a channel tab, then select the
Enable Channel checkbox and select the application for that channel as described

Enabled channels have a green check mark on their tabs.


If you use the Optimize Exposure feature, only the application under the selected
channel tab will be imaged; other channels, even if enabled, will be ignored.

You do not need to enable Channels 2–4 in sequence. For example, you can set up
your four most common applications using the different channels, but only enable
Channel 4 for a particular gel. Channel 1 would be scanned first, Channel 4 second.