2 density tools, Density tools -5 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Chapter 3. Viewing and Editing Images



Density Tools

The density tools on the View > Plot Density submenu and the Density Tools toolbar
are designed to provide a quick measure of the data in a gel image.

Fig. 3-3. Density tools on the menu and toolbar.


The density traces will be slightly different than the traces for functions such as
Plot Lane or Plot Band, because the sampling width is only one image pixel.

Density at Cursor

Select Density at Cursor and click on a band or spot to display the intensity of that
point on the image. It also shows the average intensity for a 3 x 3 pixel box centered
on that point.

Density in Box

Select Density in Box and drag a box on the image to display the average and total
intensity within the boxed region.

Plot Density Distribution

Select Plot Density Distribution to display a histogram of the signal intensity
distribution for the part of the image displayed in the image window. The average
intensity is marked in yellow on the histogram.

The histogram will appear along the right side of the image. Magnify the image to
display the data for a smaller region.