7 saving/resetting the count, Saving/resetting the count -9 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Chapter 8. Colony Counting


Colony Count and Adjusted Count

After you have defined a region to ignore, two different counts will appear in the
dialog: the colony count and the adjusted count.

The Colony Count is the number of colonies that appear in the defined circle minus
those in the ignored region.

The Adjusted Count is an estimate of the total colony count in the Petri dish; it uses
the known colonies to extrapolate the number of colonies that might have appeared in
the ignored region if it had not been damaged. The adjusted count is calculated based
on the area of the ignored region and the density distribution of colonies in the rest of
the circle.

8.7 Saving/Resetting the Count

A colony count can be saved to the image and/or a separate spreadsheet file.

Saving to the Image

Any count you perform is automatically stored with the image. To save the count with
the image, exit the Colony Counting dialog by clicking on the Close button, and use
the Save commands under the File menu to save the image.

To view the count data again, simply open the image and open the Colony Counting

To save a count or multiple counts to a spreadsheet file, see the following section.

Resetting the Count

Click on the Reset button to clear the Colony Counting dialog and any changes you
have made to the image. This command cannot be undone.