2 moving, copying, and deleting volumes, Moving, copying, and deleting volumes -6 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Quantity One User Guide


Volume Features

Each new volume you create initially has a green border, which indicates that the
volume is selected. If you click elsewhere on the image, the border will change to
blue, indicating that the volume is deselected.

To reselect the volume, click on it again. If you move the cursor over the volume—
selected or unselected—the border will change to gold.

After you create a volume, you can view the volume data (area, density, etc.) by
selecting the Volume Analysis Report from the Reports menu.


The volume you draw should completely surround the data you want to quantitate.
You should also adjust for background intensity

You may want to experiment with several different volumes drawn around the same
object before selecting the one that gives you the best quantitation data.

Displaying Volumes

To display previously created volumes after opening an image, select Volume
Overlay Tools
from the Edit menu or main toolbar.

If you have concealed all overlays using Hide Overlays, click on any button in the
Volume toolbar to display the hidden volumes.

7.2 Moving, Copying, and Deleting Volumes

You can move, copy, or delete a single volume or group of volumes within an image.
You can also copy and paste volumes between images.

First, select the volume(s). Click on the Select Tool button on the Volume toolbar. To
select a single volume, click on it. To select multiple volumes, either drag a box
around them or hold down the Shift key while you click on them one at a time. When
you drag to select a group of volumes, make sure that you completely surround all the