Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 95

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Quantity One User Guide


Use Single Image for Template

The Automation Manager allows you to specify a single image as the source for all
options you select. Checking the Use Single image for template box opens the Select
Source Image for this Script item
dialog opens.

Fig. 3-27. Select an image

Make sure the image you select contains the object(s) you wish to apply to the
destination images.

If you wish to use options from multiple images, then uncheck the box labeled, Use
single image for template
. As you check each option in step two you will be
prompted to select a source image for that option.


The source image must be open when the option check box is selected. Once you
have finished checking options from a source, the source image can be closed.

When you are satisfied with your changes, click Save, or Save As to save it as a new
template. If this is a new template, you must enter a new name for the template when
you click Save. To change the name of a template, click Save As and enter a new