Chapter 2. general information – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 40

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Chapter 2. General Information


This function is comparable to scanning at a lower resolution, in that you are
increasing the size of the pixels in the image, thereby reducing the total number of
pixels and thus the file size.


In most cases, reducing the resolution of an image will not affect quantitation. In
general, as long as the pixel size remains less than 10 percent of the size of the
objects in your image, changing the pixel size will not affect quantitation.

Select Reduce File Size from the File menu to open the Reduce File Size dialog box.
The dialog box lists the size of the pixels in the image (Pixel Size: X by Y microns),
the number of pixels in the image (Pixel Count: X by Y pixels), and the memory size
of the image.

Fig. 2-11. Reduce File Size dialog box, before and after pixel size increase.

Lower the resolution by entering lower values in the Pixel Count fields or higher
values in the Pixel Size fields (see the figure for an example).

Pixel size in the “x” dimension increased

Pixel Count and Memory Size reduced


