3 gel quality, Gel quality -3 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Chapter 1. Introduction


Molecular Imager FX Pro Plus™ multiimager system, or in the case of the Gel Doc,
ChemiDoc, ChemiDoc XRS, Fluor-S, Fluor-S MAX, or VersaDoc when using the UV
light source.


Gel Quality

Quantity One is very tolerant of an assortment of electrophoretic artifacts. Lanes do
not have to be perfectly straight or parallel. Bands do not have to be perfectly

However, for accurate lane-based quantitation, bands should be reasonably flat and
horizontal. Lane-based quantitation involves calculating the average intensity of
pixels across the band width and integrating over the band height. For the automatic
band finder to function optimally, bands should be well-resolved.

Dots that appear as halos, rings, or craters, or that are of unequal diameter, may be
incorrectly quantified using the automatic functions.