E.4 step iii. select resolution – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Quantity One User Guide


E.4 Step III. Select Resolution

To select from a list of possible scanner resolutions, click on the Select button under
Select Resolution. This will open the Select Scan Resolution dialog box.

Fig. E-7. Select Scan Resolution dialog box.

Available resolutions are listed from highest to lowest in terms of the dimensions of
the resulting pixels (in microns). Smaller pixels equal higher resolution. Each
resolution is listed with its typical use.

In general, the size of your pixels should be one-tenth the height of your smallest

Some of the resolutions are asymmetrical, meaning that the resolution is higher in the
vertical dimension (i.e., the pixels in the resulting image are larger in the horizontal
dimension than in the vertical dimension). This is useful for gels with bands, where
you are more interested in resolving in the y dimension to determine the size of bands
and the spacing between them.