4 quantity one workflow, A acquire image, B optimize image – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Quantity One User Guide



Quantity One Workflow

The following steps are involved in using Quantity One.

Fig. 1-2. Quantity One workflow.

1.4.a Acquire Image

Before you can use Quantity One to analyze a biological image, you need to capture
the image and save it as an image file. This may be done with one of the several Bio-
Rad imaging instruments supported by this software: the Molecular Imager FX and
Personal Molecular Imager systems; the GS-700, GS-710, and GS-800 Imaging
Densitometers; the Gel Doc, ChemiDoc, and ChemiDoc XRS gel documentation
systems; the Fluor-S and Fluor-S MAX MultiImagers; and the VersaDoc.

The resulting images can be stored in files on a computer hard disk, network file
server, or removable disks.

1.4.b Optimize Image

Once you have acquired an image of your sample, you may need to reduce noise or
background density in the image. Quantity One has a variety of functions to minimize
image background while maintaining data integrity.

Acquire Image

Optimize Image

Lane and Band Analysis

Volume Analysis

Colony Counting

Report Results