G.6.b live exposure mode – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 351

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Quantity One User Guide


A pop-up box will prompt you to enter a new reference dark exposure time in
seconds. Click on OK to implement your change. The new reference dark will be
created when you acquire your next image.


Because of the high sensitivity of the CCD, fluctuations in background radiation
and/or temperature in the room can affect the level of dark count. If you feel that
radiation/temperature conditions have changed in the room since your last
reference dark was created, use the Reset Reference button to delete your old
reference and create a new one under current conditions.


If you do not want to perform dark subtraction, select None. No dark exposure will be
acquired or subtracted.

G.6.b Live Exposure Mode

Exposure Count

If you are using the Live Acquire function (see previous section), you need to specify
how many intermediate exposures you want to view/save during acquisition. Enter
this number in the Exposure Count field.

The total exposure time will be divided by the number you enter in the Exposure
Count field. If you enter an exposure time of 10 minutes and a count of 10, you will
create 10 intermediate exposures at 1 minute intervals.


Do not enter a count that will result in an intermediate exposure time that is less
than the minimum exposure time for the mode you are in. The minimum
exposure time in trans illuminated mode is 1 second, and the minimum exposure
time in epi illuminated mode is 0.1 second. (Example: For a trans illuminated
application, an exposure time of 20 seconds and an exposure count of 21 would
result in an error.)

Save All Intermediate Images

If Auto Save After Scan is selected (see following section), the Save All Intermediate
Images checkbox will become active. If you select this checkbox, all your
intermediate exposures will be saved as separate files. These files will have the same