Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual
Page 409

Quantity One User Guide
Fig.K-6. Exposure Status bar when acquiring an image.
Depending on which dark subtraction type you have selected under Options (see
section K.6, Options), a dark image may be acquired immediately following image
If you want to stop an acquisition that is in progress, click on the Stop button. The
current acquisition will be terminated. If multiple channels are selected, you must
click on the Stop button once per channel to stop all acquisitions.
After an image has been acquired, a separate window will pop up containing the new
image. You can then analyze the image using the analysis functions.
Optimize Exposure
Optimize Exposure allows you to specify an interval over which a series of
progressively longer exposures are taken. All exposures are then displayed on the
screen, and you can choose the one that provides the best image.
Multiple exposures will be taken for only the selected multichannel tab. Other
channels, even if enabled, will not be used. Illumination Flat Fielding will be
disabled if you are using Optimize Exposure.
Click on the Optimize Exposure button. A settings dialog box will open in which you
can specify the total exposure time, starting exposure time, and number of exposures.
(The specified number of exposures will be taken at regular intervals between the
starting exposure time and the total exposure time.)