Appendix m other features, M.1 categories and attributes, Appendix m – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Appendix M

Other Features

The following features are available in Quantity One, but have more utility in its more
powerful companion application, Diversity Database. You can examine your gel
images in Quantity One and then database them using Diversity Database.

M.1 Categories and Attributes

User-defined buttons are available in the Standards dialog box, Matched
Band Set dialog box, and Gel Layout dialog box. They allow you to categorize the
characteristics of your particular gel or any related gel to which you might apply the
same set of standards.

To define a new category, click on one of the buttons. A dialog will pop
up in which you can select from a list of categories or create a new one.

Fig.M-1. Category pop-up box.

To create a new category, click on the Edit button. This will open another pop-up box
in which you can enter the name of your new category.