2 . general operation, 1 menus and toolbars, A menu bar – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 28: General operation -1, Menus and toolbars -1, General operation

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2. General Operation

This chapter describes the graphical interface of Quantity One, how to access the
various commands, how to open and save images, how to set preferences, and how to
perform other basic file commands.

2.1 Menus and Toolbars

2.1.a Menu Bar

Quantity One has a standard menu bar with pulldown menus that contain all the major
features and functions available in the software.

File—Opening and saving files, imaging device controls, printing, exporting.

Edit—Preferences, other settings.

View—Image magnification and viewing tools, tools for viewing image data.

Image—Image transform, advanced crop, image processing and modification.

Lane—Lane-finding tools.

Band—Band-finding and band-modeling tools.

Match—Tools for calculating molecular weights and other values from
standards, tools for comparing lanes and bands in lanes.

Volume—Band quantity and array data tools.

Analysis—Colony counting, Differential Display, VNTR analysis.

Reports—Band and lane analysis reports, Phylogenetic Tree, Similarity Matrix.

Window—Commands for arranging multiple image windows.

Help—Quick Guides, on-line Help, software registration.

Below the menu bar is the main toolbar, containing some of the most commonly used
commands. Next to the main toolbar are the status boxes, which provide information
about cursor selection and toolbar buttons.