A.7 step vi. select output – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Quantity One User Guide



Clicking on Annotate will open a separate image window displaying the captured
image. The default name for the image will include the date, time, and user (if

The Text Overlay toolbar will also pop up to allow you to annotate your image.

The image will not be saved until you select Save or Save As from the File menu.


Clicking on Analyze will open a separate image window displaying the captured
image. The default name for the image will include the date, time, and user (if

You can then analyze the image using the other features in the main application.

The image will not be saved until you select Save or Save As from the File menu.

A.7 Step VI. Select Output

In Select Output you can select Video Print and Save as your output options.

Fig. A-8. Output options.

Video Print

Clicking on Video Print will automatically send the currently displayed frame (either
live or integrated) to a video printer. You can add information about your image to the